Service Items
1.Research for patent
- Research by keyword
- Research by applicant
2.Priority claim
- International Priority
- Exhibition priority
- Apply for priority certificate
3.Patent application
- Invention patent: procedure examination, Entity examination, laying-open of an Invention patent.
- Utility model patent: Form examination, technology report.
- Design patent: original design, derived design.
4.Expedited patent examination
- Business applications
- Expedited examination (high way)
- Invention patent pertinent to alternative energy
5.Translation of Patent(Chinese, English, Japanese)
- Patent name
- Prior art
- Art in the case
6.Interlocutory patent proceeding
- Defense for content
- Narrowing the scope of the claims
- Amendment to Drawing
- Face-to-face assistance
7.Patent conversion
- An invention patent is converted into a utility model patent application or vice versa
- A utility model patent is converted into a design patent application or vice versa.
- An invention patent is converted into a design patent application.
- An original design is converted into a derived design application or vice versa.
8.Certificate of patent
- Pay for the registration fee.
- Pay renewal fee annually.
- Reissue certificate of patent
9.Extension of patent term
- Medicine
- Insecticides and pesticides
- Invention patent of the production method to medicine, insecticides, and pesticides
- Re-examination
- Appeal
11.Forbidance of counterfeits
- Evidence Collection
- Authentication of patent infringement
- Legal attest letter
Case reporting to the Intellectual Property Rights Protection Police Force
- Customs seizure
- Provisional seizure, provisional injunction
- Litigation
12.Amendment to the content of patent
- Cancel the items of claim
- Narrowing the scope of the claims
- Correction of the errors made in the specification
- Explanation of obscure descriptions
- One by one
- All at once
14.Inspection of patent
- Inspection of patent applications
- Inspection of invalidation action
15.Withdrawal of the patent
- Withdrawal after application
- Withdrawal after granting
16.Partition of patent
- Partition after application
- Partition after granting
17.Patent licensing
- Exclusive license
- Non-exclusive license
- Sublicensing
- Revocation
18.Assignment and inheritance of patent
- Right to apply
- Patent rights
19.Pledge of Patent
- Register for creation of pledge
- Register for extinguishment of pledge
20.Patent trust
- Register for creation of trust
- Register for extinguishment of trust
21.Change to a patent application
ex:change the name of applicant, change of seal, change of address.
- Changing after application
- Changing after granting
22.Accessing the files
- Electronic means
- By fax
- In person
23.Handle every kind of certificate of patent
- Foreign language certificate
- Official certificate