Service Items
1.Research for patent
  1. Research by keyword
  2. Research by applicant
2.Priority claim
  1. International Priority
  2. Exhibition priority
  3. Apply for priority certificate
3.Patent application
  1. Invention patent: procedure examination, Entity examination, laying-open of an Invention patent.
  2. Utility model patent: Form examination, technology report.
  3. Design patent: original design, derived design.
4.Expedited patent examination
  1. Business applications
  2. Expedited examination (high way)
  3. Invention patent pertinent to alternative energy 
5.Translation of Patent(Chinese, English, Japanese)
  1. Patent name
  2. Prior art
  3. Art in the case
6.Interlocutory patent proceeding
  1. Defense for content
  2. Narrowing the scope of the claims
  3. Amendment to Drawing
  4. Face-to-face assistance
7.Patent conversion
  1. An invention patent is converted into a utility model patent application or vice versa
  2. A utility model patent is converted into a design patent application or vice versa.
  3. An invention patent is converted into a design patent application.
  4. An original design is converted into a derived design application or vice versa.
8.Certificate of patent
  1. Pay for the registration fee.
  2. Pay renewal fee annually.
  3. Reissue certificate of patent
9.Extension of patent term
  1. Medicine
  2. Insecticides and pesticides
  3. Invention patent of the production method to medicine, insecticides, and pesticides
  1. Re-examination
  2. Appeal
11.Forbidance of counterfeits
  1. Evidence Collection
  2. Authentication of patent infringement
  3. Legal attest letter
  4. Case reporting to the Intellectual Property Rights Protection Police Force
  5. Customs seizure
  6. Provisional seizure, provisional injunction
  7. Litigation
12.Amendment to the content of patent
  1. Cancel the items of claim
  2. Narrowing the scope of the claims
  3. Correction of the errors made in the specification
  4. Explanation of obscure descriptions
  1. One by one
  2. All at once
14.Inspection of patent
  1. Inspection of patent applications
  2. Inspection of invalidation action
15.Withdrawal of the patent
  1. Withdrawal after application
  2. Withdrawal after granting
16.Partition of patent
  1. Partition after application
  2. Partition after granting
17.Patent licensing
  1. Exclusive license
  2. Non-exclusive license
  3. Sublicensing
  4. Revocation
18.Assignment and inheritance of patent
  1. Right to apply
  2. Patent rights
19.Pledge of Patent
  1. Register for creation of pledge
  2. Register for extinguishment of pledge
20.Patent trust
  1. Register for creation of trust
  2. Register for extinguishment of trust
21.Change to a patent application

ex:change the name of applicant, change of seal, change of address.

  1. Changing after application
  2. Changing after granting
22.Accessing the files
  1. Electronic means
  2. By fax
  3. In person
23.Handle every kind of certificate of patent
  1. Foreign language certificate
  2. Official certificate