Service Items
1.Trademark search
  1. Trademark Search (by word)
  2. Trademark Search (by design)
2.Priority claim
  1. International priority
  2. Exhibition priority
3.Application of trademark
  1. General Marks: Word Marks, Design Marks.
  2. Significant Marks: Symbol Marks, Color Marks, Three Dimensional Shape Marks, motion trademark, hologram trademark, Sound Marks.
  3. Collective Trademarks
  4. Collective Membership Marks
  5. Certification Marks
4.Interlocutory trademark proceeding
  1. Trademark reinstitution

  2. Disclaimer on exclusive rights

  3. Restriction of the designated goods or services

5.Receive the certificate of trademark
  1. Payment for registration fee
  2. Administration of trademark period
  3. Reissuance of trademark certificate
6.Procedure after trademark applications disapproval
  1. Appeal

  2. Evidences management for litigation

7.Extension of trademark term
  1. Applciation for trademark extension

  2. Renewal of certificate of trademark for 10 years

8.Counterfeit prohibition
  1. Evidence Collection
  2. Assessment for trademark infringement
  3. Legal attest letter
  4. Case reporting to the Intellectual Property Rights Protection Police Force
  5. Customs seizure
  6. Provisional seizure, provisional injunction
  7. Litigation
9.Revocation of trademark
  1. Opposition
  2. Evaluation
  3. Revocation
  4. Participation of opposition, evaluation and revocation
10.Withdrawal the trademark
  1. Withdrawal during application
  2. Withdrawal after granting
11.Division of trademark
  1. Division after application
  2. Division after granting
  3. Division before final decision of an opposition, evaluation and revocation
12.Trademark licensing
  1. Exclusive license
  2. Non-exclusive license
  3. Sublicensing
  4. Revocation
13.Pledge of trademark
  1. Register pledge
  2. Revocation of pledge
14.Transfer and endowment of a trademark application

  1. Rights of application
  2. Rights of trademark
Eg: change the name of the applicant, change of seal, and change for address.
  1. Amendment during application
  2. Amendment after approval
  3. Restriction of the designated goods or services

16.Retrieval of case files
  1. Electronic
  2. By fax
  3. By hand
17.Handle every kind of certificate of trademark
  1.  Foreign language certificate
  2. Official certificate